Ouroboros: A Fish Sees No End is a sequential series of mixed media illustrations documenting the migratory death of salmon in juxtaposition to the human experience of heartbreak. Each year, sockeye salmon embark on an epic migration that leaves them battered and beaten, dying from exhaustion in the same streams they were born in. The nutrients from their bodies nourish the environment and pave the way for the next generation. Ouroboros: A Fish Sees No End asks the viewer to apply this bittersweet transition to their own experience. Endings can be disheartening, especially when they come in numbers. However, with time and perspective, endings lead to growth and self reflection. The series suggests that there is no such thing as an “end,” but rather a transition into the next cycle of life. While endings can be harsh, grief filled, and uncomfortable, one can always choose to count on themself in order to heal again. 

1. beginnings.
1. beginnings.
2. peace.
2. peace.
3. ephemeral.
3. ephemeral.
4. endings.
4. endings.
5. growth.
5. growth.

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